Presidium's Members in 9th term (2020-2023) 


Chairman: Prof. dr hab. Sylwester CZOPEK

Professor, archaeologist. Employed in Institute of Archaeology University of Rzeszów, of which he was a co-founder and long-term director. 

In the terms 2016-2020 and 2020-2024 Rector of the University of Rzeszów.

Research interests: archaeology of the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age.



Vice-chairman: Prof. dr hab. Paweł VALDE-NOWAK


valde nowak fot

Professor, archaeologist. Employed in the Institute of Archaeology Jagiellonian University. 

Research interests: early agricultural settlement of the European highland,

the Stone Age in Europe, the beginnings of pastoralism (transhumance),

flint processing in the Stone Age and Bronze Age, archaeology of mountain areas.



Presidium's Members:


Prof. dr hab. Piotr BIELIŃSKI

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Professor, archaeologist. Employed at the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw.   

Research interests: archaeology of the ancient Middle East, art and architecture of 

Mesopotamia, Syro-Palestine, Anatolia and the Arabian Peninsula up to the Bronze Age.



Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof CIAŁOWICZ


prof. Krzysztof Cialowicz 190 230

Professor, archaeologist. Employed in the Institute of Archaeology Jagiellonian University. 

Research interests: archaeology and art of ancient Egypt and the Middle East, especially during the formation of first civilisations, formation of the Egyptian state, beginnings of the monarchy, religion and art in the mentioned area.



Prof. dr hab. Marian RĘBKOWSKI

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Professor, archaeologist. Director of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology Polish Academy of Sciences.  

Research Interests: archaeology of the Middle Ages, especially urbanization, Christianization, intercultural relations

 and the processes of formation of power structures in the Middle Ages, seen through the prism of archaeological sources.




Prof. dr hab. Marzena SZMYT

 Professor, archaeologist. Director of the Archaeological Museum in Poznań, professor at the Faculty of Archaeology Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. 

Research interests: prehistory of the borderland of Western and Eastern Europe.